+7 (495) 320-60-00

Password recovery by phone number.
To recover your password by login or SIPID, follow the link -
 by login or SIP ID


How does SIPNET work?

During a standard telephone call, two users from different cities communicate over an expensive long-distance loop which will be busy while they are talking. 

VoIP connection does not use long-distance loops. It loads only small sections of cheap city lines to the ones nearest to VoIP telephony server users. You will talk via the Internet. That is why the cost of VoIP calls is much lower than you are used to. 

As an example, when a SIPNET user communicates with a user from another city, his/her computer or SIP device transforms voice over the telephone into digital format and sends packages via the Internet to the VoIP telephony server closest to the user. Voice packages are then sent via Internet to the other city to the VoIP telephony server closest to the user's interlocutor. This server transforms voice packages in normal voice and sends it via the city network to the interlocutor's telephone set. 

Direct VoIP calls within SIPNET (SIP ID-SIP ID calls) do not use city or long-distance loops and communication is over the Internet which means the best voice quality and zero connection fee. 

If a city network user calls a SIPNET user using SIP ID, voice over the telephone is transmitted from the city network to the local VoIP telephony server where it is transformed in digital packages and transmitted over the Internet directly to SIPNET user's computer or SIP device.