+7 (495) 320-60-00

Password recovery by phone number.
To recover your password by login or SIPID, follow the link -
 by login or SIP ID


Calls order

  • Online Order Call

    SIPNET users have a unique opportunity to make calls directly from the "Personal office". Just enter two phone numbers in the "Call" section and click on"Connect" button to make the communication between two subscribers. With calls using the service "Connection order through the Internet", the quality of communication does not depend on the type of your Internet connection, since it is used only for sending a command to connect two phone numbers.

    To order a connection, follow these steps:

    • Login to the SIPNET website
    • Enter your personal office
    •  In the "SIPNET Classic" -"Web Сallback" section enter the phone numbers that you want to connect
    • Click the "Connect" button

    Now the system will automatically establish a connection between these numbers. Each of the interlocutors will get a local incoming call, so the total costs will be minimal.

    The call will be paid from your personal SIPNET account. Upon completion of the call you can find details of the connection in the tab "Connection History"