+7 (495) 320-60-00

Password recovery by phone number.
To recover your password by login or SIPID, follow the link -
 by login or SIP ID


Application for connection

Enter your phone number
To register a corporate account send a request

This is important

Registration means your accept SIPNET service rules and terms of use. It is impossible to register again under the same login name.

After registeration, you will have an SIP ID assigned to you. The initial account has «Trial Access» status.

In «Trial Access» mode, you can call other SIPNET users only.


To make calls to fixed or mobile numbers to any city, including  CIS or overseas, you need to get "Permanent User" status. How to get "Permanent User" status:

How to get "Permanent User" status:

Upload funds to your account. The minimum upload amount is 3 USD.