+7 (495) 308-82-83

Password recovery by phone number.
To recover your password by login or SIPID, follow the link -
 by login or SIP ID


I wonder if I can talk to two users at the same time without switching between them so that they could hear each other, too. Basically, a conference call is a well known service.

And we provide this service. It has been tested with eyeBeam and Cisco 79x0.

  •  establish connection for the first line;
  •  press the second line button and establish the second connection;
  • press CONF button.

Cisco 79x0:

  • establish connection;
  • press Confrm button;
  • establish the second connection;
  • press Join button.


  • establish connection;
  • press FLASH button;
  • establish the second connection;
  • press FLASH button and them no later than in 1 second, 7 button